Templates Physiology-sheet Dr.Yanal’s lectures Lecture 7( ECG analysis and Abormalities ) Lecture 8( Heart pumb and cardiac cycle ) Lecture 9 (Cardiac output and venous return) Lecture 10 (Cardiac output and venous return) Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Dr.Fatima’s lectures Lecture 1 ( Hemodynamics) Lecture 2 ( Blood pressure) Lecture 3 (Arterioles) Cardiac physiology slides (Dr.Yanal’s material) ECG Heart pump and Cardiac cycle Cardiac Output And Venous Return Vascular physiology hand-outs ( Dr.Fatima’s material) Interactive book 1 (v2) Interactive book 2 Interactive book 3 Interactive book 4 Slides of the third interactive book Slides of the fourth interactive book Sheets and modifieds of cardiac physiology Modified 07 (v1) Sheet 08 (v4) Sheet 09 (v1) Sheet 10 (v2) Sheet 11 (V1) Sheet 12 (V1) Lab recorded lectures ECG 1 ECG 2 ECG 3 Lab Slides ECG 1 ECG 2 ECG 3 Additional Summary for Arrhythmia, 2nd and 3rd lab lectures by Talal Harahsheh (1-4) interactive books by Reem Jabra ECG summary by Rashed Qtashat Lab 2 summary by Zeina Mehyar Dr.yanal’s material summary by Ebaa alzobi Dr.fatemal’s material summary by Ebaa Alzoubi (V2) Lec 1,2,3 highlights by Amal Omar Past papers & test banks Lectures 1-2 test bank by Amal Omar local control of blood flow by Amal omar Neural&hormonal control by Amal Omar