JU Announcement

Dear all , your Mid Exam will be held on 30-11-2022 at 4:30-5:45 

  • Exam Material :
  • ◊ Introduction & pharmacokinetics (5 Lec)
  • ◊ pharmacodynamics (4 Lec)
  • ◊ Routes of drug administration (self-study)
  • ◊ Drug Biotransformation (1 Lec)

Good Luck !

تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق – لجان الدفعات

  1. Syllabus
    1. Syllabus
  2. Sheet Form
    1. Sheet Form - Pharmacology
  3. Dr. Yacoub slides
    1. Introduction to Pharmacology
    2. Pharmacokinetics
    3. Routes of drug administration
    4. Drug biotransformation
  4. Dr. Alia slides
    1. Pharmacodynamics A
    2. Pharmacodynamics B
  5. Recorded lectures
    1. Introduction to Pharmacology
    2. Pharmacokinetics 1
    3. Phamacokinetics 2
    4. Pharmacokinetics 3
    5. Pharmacodynamics 1
    6. Pharmacodynamics 2
    7. Pharmacodynamics 3
    8. Pharmacodynamics 4
    9. Pharmacokinetics 4
    10. Drug Biotransformation
  6. Sheets
    1. Introduction to Pharmacology - v1
    2. Pharmacokinetics 1 - v1
    3. Pharmacokinetics 2 - v1
    4. Pharmacokinetics 3 - v1
    5. Pharmacodynamics 1 - v1
    6. Pharmacodynamics 2 - v1
    7. Pharmacodynamics 3 - v2
    8. pharmacodynamics 4 - v1
    9. Pharmacokinetics 4 - v4
    10. Biotransformation - v2
  7. Modified slides
    1. Introduction to Pharmacology
    2. Pharmacokinetics 1
    3. Pharmacokinetics 2
    4. Pharmacokinetics 3
    5. Pharmacodynamics 1
    6. Pharmacodynamics 2
    7. Pharmacodymanics 3
    8. Pharmacodynamics 4
    9. Pharmacokinetics 4
    10. Drug biotransformation
  8. Dr. Abdel-Motaal Fouda lectures
    1. Pharamcokinetics - Drug Absorption
    2. Pharmacokinetics - First pass effect, Drug Biotransformation & Bioavailability
    3. Pharmacokinetics - Volume of distribution & Drug binding protein
    4. Pharmacokinetics - Drug elimination and Clearance
    5. Pharmacodynamics
  9. Summaries by Abd Arrahman Dabbas
    1. Lecture (1)
    2. Lecture (2)
    3. Lecture (3)
    4. Lecture (4)
    5. Lecture (5)
    6. Lecture (6)
    7. Lecture (8) & (There is no for Lecture7)
    8. Lecture (9)
    9. Lecture (10)
    10. Lecture (11)
  10. Additional sources
    1. Lecture by AbdAlrahmam Froukh ~ Biotransformation
    2. pharmacokinetics laws by Hussam Daraghmeh
    3. pharmacokinetics Equations Sheet by Hala Zaghloul
    4. Notes for Routes of drug administration by Maya alrifai
    5. Summary for Routes of drug administration by Bissan abu halaqa
    6. Antagonist, Agonist & Unconventional Drug Summary by Hala Zaghloul
    7. Pharmacodynamics 2 Summary by Enjood Mhairat
    8. Antagonist Summary by Bissan abu halqah
    9. Flash Cards For All Material By Dabbas
  11. Test bank & Past papers
    1. Introduction & pharmacokinetics 1
    2. Pharmacokinetics 2&3
    3. Pharmacodynamics 1&2
    4. Pharmacodynamics 3&4
    5. pharmacokinetics 5 & Drug Biotransformation
    6. past papers - All Mid-term Material by Odai AL-rifai
  12. past papers (Doctor 018-020)
    1. Midterm 018
    2. Midterm 019
    3. Midterm 020
  13. 021 Exams
    1. 021