JU Announcement
  • Dear all , your Final Exam will be held on 31-1-2023 at 11:00-1:00 
  • Exam Material :
  • ◊ Dr. Sireen Material (Lec 1-8) & Activities (1-5) ~ 24 M
  • ◊ Dr.Diana Material (Lec 9-14) ~ 36 M

Good Luck !

تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق – لجان الدفعات

  1. Syllabus
    1. Syllabus
  2. Dr. Sireen Lectures
    1. Lecture 1 (Introduction to and History of Epidemiology A )
    2. Lecture 2 (Introduction to and History of Epidemiology B)
    3. Lecture 3 (Disease causation and natural history of disease A)
    4. Lecture 4 (Disease causation and natural history of disease B)
    5. Lecture 5 (incidence and prevalence)
    6. Lecture 6&7 (Studu Design in Epidemiology 1&2)
    7. Lecture 8 (Measures of Association in Epidemiology )
  3. Dr.Diana lectures
    1. Lecture 9 (Introduction to biostatistics 1)
    2. Lecture 10 (Introduction to biostatistics 2)
    3. Lecture 11 (Descriptive statistics)
    4. Lecture 12 ( Probabilities)
    5. Lecture 13 (Chi square test)
    6. Lecture 14 (T-test )
  4. Dr.Sireen slides
    1. Lecture 1&2 (Introduction to and History of Epidemiology )
    2. Lecture 3&4 (Disease causation and natural history of disease )
    3. Lecture 5 (incidence and prevalence)
    4. Lecture 6 (Study Design in Epidemiology 1 )
    5. Lecture 7 (Studuy Design in Epidemiology 2 )
    6. Lecture 8 (Measures of Association in Epidemiology ) ( Slides 1-27 -ONLY Required)
  5. Dr. Sireen Modified slides
    1. Modified 1&2 (Introduction to and History of Epidemiology )
    2. Modified 3&4 (Disease causation and natural history of disease )
    3. Modified 5 (incidence and prevalence)
    4. Modified 6&7 (Study Designs in Epidemiology)
    5. Modified 8 (Measures of Association in Epidemiology )
  6. Dr. Diana slides
    1. Lecture 9&10 (introduction to biostatistics)
    2. Lecture 11 (Descriptive statistics)
    3. Lecture 12 (Probabilities)
    4. Lecture 13 (Chi square test)
    5. Table entry for z: LEFT of z
    6. Lecture 14 (T-test )
  7. Activity
    1. Activity 1 (Video)
    2. Activity 2 (Article)
    3. Activity 3 (Video)
    4. Activity 4 (Article)
    5. Activity 5 ( Slides 1-20 -ONLY Required)
  8. Activity solutions
    1. Activity 1&2 solutions
    2. Activity 3 solutions
    3. Activity 4 solutions
    4. Summary - Activity (1-4) by Maya alrefaae
    5. Activity 5
  9. Summaries
    1. Summary of Numbers - Dr. Sireen Material by Lara Saqer
    2. Summary - Epidemiology by Ebaa Al Zouby
    3. Summary - Epidemiology (6&7) by joud haddad
    4. Summary - Introduction to Biostatistics (pt.1) by Farah Hasanat
    5. Summary - Introduction to Biostatistics (pt.2) by Farah Hasanat
    6. Biostatistics Laws by Lara Saqer
  10. Additional Lectures
    1. Lectures by Maseerati
  11. Test Bank
    1. Epidemiology
    2. Epidemiology by Ebaa Al Zouby
    3. Epidemiology by Odai AL-rifai & Rama Harb
    4. Biostatistics
  12. past papers (Doctor 018-020)
    1. Final Exam 018
    2. Final Exam 019&020
  13. 021 Exams
    1. 021 Mid&Final