(💚يَا حَيّ يَا قَيوم ) تِلكَ عَزَائم مَاتَت لَا يُحييهَا إلا الحَيّ ،وَ تِلْكَ وَثبَات لا يُقَيمهَا إلا القَيوم Lectures lecture 01(Introduction&concepts) lecture 02 (Nephrotic Syndrom ) Lecture 03(Nephritic Syndrom ) Lecture 04 (Renal Cysts) Lecture 05 (Tubulo_Interstitial Diseases) Lectures 06 (Renal and Urinary Tract Tumors) Lecture 07 (Testicular And Prostate Pathology) Slides Introduction& concepts Nephrotic Syndrome Nephritic Syndrom Renal Cysts Tubulo_Interstitial Diseases Renal and Urinary Tract Tumors Testicular And Prostate Pathology Additional files Modified lab pathology anki flashcards 1-7 | Aseel Alaa