Endocrine Surgery Dossier Endocrine Surgery Dossier / Lejan Endocrine Surgery Dossier / Sarah Gaith P.Ps of Endocrine Rotation / Malek Aburahmeh 021 Lectures Disorders of Parathyroid Glands | Dr.Ayman 2020: Adrenal Glands Pathology | Dr.Ayman Salivary Glands Tumors | Dr.Ayman Surgical Management of Thyroid Nodules | Dr.Nidal Surgical Aspects of Diabetic Foot | Dr.Nidal Cervical Lymphadenopathy | Dr.Nidal Slides Disorders of Parathyroid Glands Adrenal Gland Pathology Salivary Glands Tumors Surgical Management of Thyroid Nodules (most recent slides) Surgical Aspects of Diabetic Foot (most recent slides) Cervical Lymphadenopathy (most recent slides) 020 Lectures Disorders of Parathyroid Glands | Dr.Ayman Adrenal Glands Pathology | Dr.Ayman Salivary Glands Tumors | Dr.Ayman Surgical Management of Thyroid Nodules | Dr.Nidal Surgical Aspects of Diabetic Foot | Dr.Nidal Cervical Lymphadenopathy | Dr.Nidal Edited slides Parathyroid Glands / Insaf Alammouri Adrenal Glands / Insaf Alammouri Salivary Glands / Insaf Alammouri Surgical Approach to Thyroid (Dr.Ayman) / Insaf Alammouri Summaries Summary of Endocrine Surgery Parathyroid Glands / Malak Abuzubaid Adrenal Glands / Malak Abuzubaid Salivary Glands / Malak Abuzubaid Surgical Management of Thyroid Nodules / Malak Abuzubaid