JU Announcement
Note: The 2 Shock Lectures count as 1; You have to watch them both 🫤
    1. General Rotation Dossier / Lejan
    2. General Rotation Dossier / Sarah Gaith
    3. Test Bank of General Rotation / Lejan
    4. P.Ps of General Rotation / Malek Aburahmeh
  1. 021 Lectures
    1. Seminar: Trauma & It’s Management | Dr.Amjad
    2. 2020: Preoperative Assessment | Dr.M.Alozubi
    3. Metabolism & Nutrition in Surgical Patient | Dr.M.Tarawneh
    4. 2018: IV Fluids Management in Surgical patients | Dr.M.Ammarin
    5. Surgical Site Infection | Dr.M.Rashdan
    6. Surgical Complications and Outcomes | Dr.M.Tarawneh
    7. Shock (A) | Dr.Amjad
    8. Shock from Intravascular Hypovolemia (B) | Dr.Khaled
    9. Sepsis | Dr.Amjad
    10. Bleeding and Blood Transfusion | Dr.Amjad
  2. Slides
    1. Seminar: Trauma & It’s Management
    2. Preoperative Assessment
    3. Metabolism & Nutrition in Surgical Patient
    4. IV Fluids Management in Surgical Patients
    5. Surgical Site Infection
    6. Surgical Complications and Outcomes
    7. Shock | Dr.Amjad
    8. Shock from Intravascular Hypovolemia | Dr.Khaled
    9. Sepsis
    10. Bleeding and Blood Transfusion
  3. 018 Lectures
    1. Preoperative Assessment | Dr.M.Alozubi
    2. Metabolism & Nutrition in Surgical Patient | Dr.M.Tarawneh
    3. IV Fluids Management in Surgical Patients | Dr.M.Ammarin
    4. Surgical Site Infection | Dr.M.Rashdan
    5. Surgical Complications and Outcomes | Dr.M.Rashdan
    6. 2020: Shock | Dr.Amjad
    7. 2020: Shock from Intravascular Hypovolemia | Dr.Khaled
    8. Sepsis | Dr.Amjad
    9. Bleeding and Blood Transfusion | Dr.Amjad
  4. Edited slides
    1. Metabolism & Nutrition in Surgical Patient / Raha Alzoubi
    2. Surgical Site Infection / Raha Alzoubi
    3. Surgical Complications / Raha Alzoubi
    4. IV Fluids Management / Raha Alzoubi
    5. Hypovolemic Shock (Dr.Khaled) / Raha Alzoubi
    6. Shock (Dr.Amjad) / Insaf Alammouri
  5. Summaries
    1. Drains / Rahaf Melhem
    2. Surgical Terms and Stomas / Rahaf Melhem & Dana Almanzalji
    3. 1st 5 Slides / Khaled AlHindi
    4. Sepsis / Mohammad Horani
    5. Shock / Anas Madi