Note: 19 Lectures , First 4 are the longest & most important + Don’t forget the 3 Additional videos (unfortunately sometimes they write questions depending on them in Mini-OSCEs)
Note: Slides/Edited Slides are enough, But u can watch the lectures for clarification + Flash Cards.
Tip: Study as much as u can because they are very unpredictable & Check for latest Mini-OSCEs
021 Lectures
- 2020: Airway Management | Dr.Ibraheem
- Cardiac Arrest & BLS Algorithms | Dr.Sami
- ALS Algorithm & Tachycardia, Cardioversion & Drugs | Dr.Sami
- Vascular Access | Dr.Ahmed
- Preoperative Assessment | Dr.Ahmed
- Introduction to Anesthesia | Dr.Ibraheem
- 2018: Fluid Management & Blood Transfusion | Dr.Mahmoud
- 2019: Intravenous Anesthetics | Dr.Mustafa
- Inhalation Anesthetics | Dr.Ahmed
- Pediatric Anesthesia | Dr.Khaled
- Neuromuscular Blocking Agents | Dr.Subhi
- Local & Regional Anesthesia | Dr.Mustafa
- Anesthesia Monitoring in OR & ICU | Dr.Mustafa
- Anesthesia Machine | Dr.Subhi
- 2019: Hypoxia and Oxygen Therapy | Dr.Subhi
- Respiratory Failure | Dr.Abd-Alkareem
- 2019: Emergency and Trauma Cases | Dr.Omar
- Shock | Dr.Khaled
- 2019: Pain | Dr.Ahmed
- Additional Videos
- Airway Management
- Causes and Prevention of Cardiac Arrest & Basic Life Algorithm
- ALS algorithm & Tachycardia, Cardioversion & Drugs
- Vascular Access (NEW)
- Preoperative Assessment (NEW)
- Introduction to Anesthesia (NEW)
- Fluid Management and Blood Transfusion
- Intravenous Anesthetics - Dr.Mustafa
- Intravenous Anesthetics - Dr.Ahmad (NEW)
- Inhalation Anesthetics
- Principles of Pediatric Anesthesia
- Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
- Local & Regional Anesthesia
- Anesthesia Monitoring in OR & ICU
- Anesthesia Machine
- Hypoxia and Oxygen Therapy
- Respiratory Failure - Dr.Abdelkarim
- Respiratory Failure- Dr.Ahmad (NEW)
- Emergency and Trauma Cases - Dr.Omar
- Emergency and Trauma Cases - Dr.Ahmad (NEW)
- Shock
- Pain
Anesthesia Playlist / Majdoleen Hamed
- Edited Slides -- Majdoleen
- Introduction to Anesthesia
- Airway Management
- Vascular Access
- Fluid Management & Blood Transfusion
- Preoperative Assessment
- Intravenous Anesthetics
- Inhalation Anesthetics
- Local Anesthesia
- Pain
- Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
- Respiratory Failure
- Shock
- Hypoxia and Oxygen Therapy
- Principles of Pediatric Anesthesia
- Anesthesia Monitoring in OR & ICU
- Anesthesia Machine
- Emergency and Trauma Cases
- Anki
- Mini-OSCEs
- Past Papers