JU Announcement
Note: 19 Lectures , First 4 are the longest & most important + Don’t forget the 3 Additional videos (unfortunately sometimes they write questions depending on them in Mini-OSCEs)

Note: Slides/Edited Slides are enough, But u can watch the lectures for clarification + Flash Cards.

Tip: Study as much as u can because they are very unpredictable & Check for latest Mini-OSCEs
    2. Anesthesia Checklist by Dr.Zaid Alkhateeb
    3. Edited Slides -- Hajar Jaradat
    4. Summaries -- Ala`a Irhimeh
    5. P.Ps of MiniOSCE -- Malek Aburahmeh
  1. 021 Lectures
    1. 2020: Airway Management | Dr.Ibraheem
    2. Cardiac Arrest & BLS Algorithms | Dr.Sami
    3. ALS Algorithm & Tachycardia, Cardioversion & Drugs | Dr.Sami
    4. Vascular Access | Dr.Ahmed
    5. Preoperative Assessment | Dr.Ahmed
    6. Introduction to Anesthesia | Dr.Ibraheem
    7. 2018: Fluid Management & Blood Transfusion | Dr.Mahmoud
    8. 2019: Intravenous Anesthetics | Dr.Mustafa
    9. Inhalation Anesthetics | Dr.Ahmed
    10. Pediatric Anesthesia | Dr.Khaled
    11. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents | Dr.Subhi
    12. Local & Regional Anesthesia | Dr.Mustafa
    13. Anesthesia Monitoring in OR & ICU | Dr.Mustafa
    14. Anesthesia Machine | Dr.Subhi
    15. 2019: Hypoxia and Oxygen Therapy | Dr.Subhi
    16. Respiratory Failure | Dr.Abd-Alkareem
    17. 2019: Emergency and Trauma Cases | Dr.Omar
    18. Shock | Dr.Khaled
    19. 2019: Pain | Dr.Ahmed
  2. Additional Videos
    1. IV Cannulation
    2. Central Venous Catheter
    3. CPR
    4. Extra: 2017 Lectures Playlist
    5. Extra: Fluid Management & Blood Transfusion / Malek ​
    6. Extra: Anesthesia Machine | Dr.Ibraheem
  3. Slides
    1. Airway Management
    2. Causes and Prevention of Cardiac Arrest & Basic Life Algorithm
    3. ALS algorithm & Tachycardia, Cardioversion & Drugs
    4. Vascular Access (NEW)
    5. Preoperative Assessment (NEW)
    6. Introduction to Anesthesia (NEW)
    7. Fluid Management and Blood Transfusion
    8. Intravenous Anesthetics - Dr.Mustafa
    9. Intravenous Anesthetics - Dr.Ahmad (NEW)
    10. Inhalation Anesthetics
    11. Principles of Pediatric Anesthesia
    12. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
    13. Local & Regional Anesthesia
    14. Anesthesia Monitoring in OR & ICU
    15. Anesthesia Machine
    16. Hypoxia and Oxygen Therapy
    17. Respiratory Failure - Dr.Abdelkarim
    18. Respiratory Failure- Dr.Ahmad (NEW)
    19. Emergency and Trauma Cases - Dr.Omar
    20. Emergency and Trauma Cases - Dr.Ahmad (NEW)
    21. Shock
    22. Pain
  4. Anesthesia Playlist / Majdoleen Hamed
    1. Edited Slides -- Majdoleen
    2. Introduction to Anesthesia
    3. Airway Management
    4. BLS
    5. ALS
    6. Vascular Access
    7. Fluid Management & Blood Transfusion
    8. Preoperative Assessment
    9. Intravenous Anesthetics
    10. Inhalation Anesthetics
    11. Local Anesthesia
    12. Pain
    13. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
    14. Respiratory Failure
    15. Shock
    16. Hypoxia and Oxygen Therapy
    17. Principles of Pediatric Anesthesia
    18. Anesthesia Monitoring in OR & ICU
    19. Anesthesia Machine
    20. Emergency and Trauma Cases
  5. Anki
    1. Anesthesia Anki - by Kinda Shatnawi 020
    2. Flashcards - by Fahed 018
    3. Flashcards - by Hamza Ja’arreh 020
  6. Mini-OSCEs
    1. Key Tables & Figures for Mini-OSCE / Mira & Zina
    2. MiniOSCEs
    3. 018 Mini-OSCEs
    4. 019 Mini-OSCEs
    5. 020 Mini-OSCEs
    6. MiniOSCE - by Malek Aburahmeh
    7. 021 / 1st month miniOSCE
    8. 021 / 2nd month miniOSCE
    9. 021 / 3rd month miniOSCE
    10. 021 / 4th month miniOSCE
  7. Past Papers
    1. Past Papers Collection
    2. 018 Final Exam
    3. 019 Final Exam
    4. 020 Final Exam
    5. Final - by Malek Aburahmeh