JU Announcement


Note: 2019 & 2020 summaries were written for Dr. Amjad lectures (not Dr. Darwish)

  1. Syllabus
    1. Syllabus
  2. Dr. Darwish Badran Slides
    1. Introduction to anatomy
    2. Pectoral Region and Axilla
    3. Scapular and Back Region
    4. Brachial plexus and Muscles Connecting the Scapula to the Humerus
    5. Arm & Cubital Fossa
    6. The Forearm, Anterior Compartment
    7. The Forearm, Posterior Compartment
    8. Hand A
    9. Hand B
    10. Joints of The Upper Limb
    11. Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb
  3. Lab Slides
    1. Bones of the Upper Limbs
    2. Bones of the Upper Limb checklist
    3. Bones of the Upper Limb (Answers)
    4. Bones of the Upper Limb (Questions)
    5. Checklist for second week practical
    6. Self Assessment for Scapular and Pectoral Regions
    7. Bones of the Forearm
    8. Bones of the Forearm checklist
    9. Brachial Plexus (Questions)
    10. Brachial Plexus (Answers)
    11. Axillary Artery (Questions)
    12. Axillary Artery (Answers)
  4. Lab Lectures
    1. Scapula
    2. Clavicle
    3. Humerus Bone
    4. Scapular & pectoral regions
    5. Axilla Has Been Explored
    6. Brachial Plexus Formation
  5. Dr. Amjad Shatarat 2020 Anatomy lectures
    1. Introduction to anatomy part 1
    2. Introduction to anatomy part 2
    3. Scapular region
    4. Pectoral region
    5. Bones of the Forearm & Shoulder Girdle
    6. Axilla and Axillary artery
    7. Brachial Plexus
    8. How to Memorize the Root Value of the Main Branches of the Brachial Plexus
    9. Anatomy of the Arm
    10. Shoulder Joint
    11. Cubital Fossa and Muscles of The Anterior Compartment of The Forearm
    12. Posterior Compartment of The Forearm
    13. Ulnar Artery and Nerve, Radial Artery and Nerve
    14. Median Nerve
    15. Hand A
    16. Hand B
    17. Hand C
    18. Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb A
    19. Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb B
  6. Dr. Amjad Shatarat 2020 Slides
    1. Scapular region
    2. Pectoral region
    3. Shoulder Girdle
    4. The Axilla
    5. Shoulder Joint
    6. Anatomy of the Arm
    7. Cubital fossa & Anterior Compartment of The Forearm
    8. Posterior Compartment of The Forearm
    9. Blood Supply of The Forearm
    10. Hand A
    11. Hand B
    12. Hand C
    13. Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb A
    14. Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb B
    15. Joints of The Upper Limb
  7. Summaries By Students
    1. Axillary Artery By Mohammad Talal
    2. Brachial plexus summary by Moataz Alaraj (From 2020)
    3. The Upper Limbs Muscles By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
    4. Scapular & Pectoral Regions By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
    5. The Arm By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
    6. The Axilla By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
    7. Posterior Compartment of The Forearm By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
    8. The Hand By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
  8. Past Papers
    1. Mid 021
    2. Mid 020
    3. Upper Limb + Embryology (Mitosis & Meiosis & Spermatogenisis and Oogenesis)