Note: 2019 & 2020 summaries were written for Dr. Amjad lectures (not Dr. Darwish)
- Syllabus
Dr. Darwish Badran Slides
- Introduction to anatomy
- Pectoral Region and Axilla
- Scapular and Back Region
- Brachial plexus and Muscles Connecting the Scapula to the Humerus
- Arm & Cubital Fossa
- The Forearm, Anterior Compartment
- The Forearm, Posterior Compartment
- Hand A
- Hand B
- Joints of The Upper Limb
- Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb
Lab Slides
- Bones of the Upper Limbs
- Bones of the Upper Limb checklist
- Bones of the Upper Limb (Answers)
- Bones of the Upper Limb (Questions)
- Checklist for second week practical
- Self Assessment for Scapular and Pectoral Regions
- Bones of the Forearm
- Bones of the Forearm checklist
- Brachial Plexus (Questions)
- Brachial Plexus (Answers)
- Axillary Artery (Questions)
- Axillary Artery (Answers)
- Lab Lectures
Dr. Amjad Shatarat 2020 Anatomy lectures
- Introduction to anatomy part 1
- Introduction to anatomy part 2
- Scapular region
- Pectoral region
- Bones of the Forearm & Shoulder Girdle
- Axilla and Axillary artery
- Brachial Plexus
- How to Memorize the Root Value of the Main Branches of the Brachial Plexus
- Anatomy of the Arm
- Shoulder Joint
- Cubital Fossa and Muscles of The Anterior Compartment of The Forearm
- Posterior Compartment of The Forearm
- Ulnar Artery and Nerve, Radial Artery and Nerve
- Median Nerve
- Hand A
- Hand B
- Hand C
- Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb A
- Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb B
Dr. Amjad Shatarat 2020 Slides
- Scapular region
- Pectoral region
- Shoulder Girdle
- The Axilla
- Shoulder Joint
- Anatomy of the Arm
- Cubital fossa & Anterior Compartment of The Forearm
- Posterior Compartment of The Forearm
- Blood Supply of The Forearm
- Hand A
- Hand B
- Hand C
- Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb A
- Nerve Injuries of The Upper Limb B
- Joints of The Upper Limb
Summaries By Students
- Axillary Artery By Mohammad Talal
- Brachial plexus summary by Moataz Alaraj (From 2020)
- The Upper Limbs Muscles By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
- Scapular & Pectoral Regions By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
- The Arm By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
- The Axilla By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
- Posterior Compartment of The Forearm By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
- The Hand By Waseem Aldemeri (From 2019)
- Past Papers